2023, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (3)
Subjectivation: pandemic and the new school
Reséndiz GA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 994-1011
PDF size: 310.85 Kb.
In this article I intend to make a reflection about the subjectivation in the stage of childhood and adolescence in the area of education, the pandemic of Covid-19 made us modify our lifestyle with it there was a change in all sectors of society, we had an abrupt rupture in the style of coexistence with the other people we knew, we went to a total confinement where the only greeting was at a distance through a window, who was going to tell us that the movies of the 90's where technology was in charge of everything. As we will see in this article, subjectivation is the process by which the subject acquires tools that allow him/her to adapt to the different events he/she has and that is closely related to the identity and personality of the subject. That is why I was interested in taking a small look at the new educational reality that had to be implemented giving an important place to technology to create a virtual education where education was not stopped and avoid a severe educational backwardness that would complicate the whole scheme of education.
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