2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Nursing students' perception of teaching assistants in simulated practices
Romero NLE, Ayala HJL, Alarcón FDP, Fernández NCD
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 103-113
PDF size: 508.10 Kb.
Introduction: The teaching assistantship is a strategy
commonly used in higher education in Ecuador. The Central
University has formalized this methodology across
all its programs. The Nursing program, where it is used
in some courses. However, there are no studies that describe
students’ perceptions of the role of teaching assistants
and simulation.
Objective: To determine students’ perceptions and satisfaction
with the participation of teaching assistants in
Method: A quantitative study of observational type, crossa
sectional, descriptive study was conducted with a sample
of 83 second-semester Nursing students at the Central
University of Ecuador. A Google Forms survey was used
to assess students’ satisfaction and perceptions of the
role of teaching assistants. Data analysis was performed
using SPSS version 24. The study was approved by the
Ethics Committee of Central University.
Results: The mean age of participants was 20.5 ± 4
years, with a predominance of females (81.9%). A majority
(95.2%) of participants expressed a need for teaching
assistants to be implemented in all semesters and
courses. Additionally, 84.3% believed that the number of
hours spent with teaching assistants should be increased.
Satisfaction with the assistants’ knowledge of equipment
was reported by 56.6% of participants. Perceived benefits
included improved confidence (28.9%), better small
group work (28.9%), and individualized learning (10.8%).
Conclusions: Complementing learning with a teaching
assistant is a positive academic experience that provides
objective benefits to peer students.
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