2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Validity evidence in the admission process to a medical school in Mexico
Carrillo-Avalos BA, Leenen I, Trejo-Mejía JA, Sánchez-Mendiola M
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 37-55
PDF size: 609.30 Kb.
Introduction: Medical school admission processes need
to demonstrate the validity of their scores’ interpretations,
since they are high-stakes assessments.
Objective: To apply an integrative model using Messick’s
and Kane’s frameworks to obtain validity evidence for a
medical school admission process.
Method: An analytical observational study was performed
at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí
Faculty of Medicine in Mexico, with the 2013 and 2014
cohorts. The admission process included a psychometric
test (PT), a general knowledge test (KT), and EXANI-II.
The model was applied in two steps: 1) uses and interpretations
argument, and 2) validity argument, which has
three stages: instrumental validity, interpretation and decision
verification, and action usefulness. Hypotheses were
established at each stage using Kane’s inferences, which
were supported using Messick’s sources of evidence.
Results: The results of 1,373 applicants from 2013 and
1,554 from 2014 were analyzed, as well as the academic
performance of the 145 students admitted in each cohort.
A general intelligence factor (g) was identified as influencing
the results of admission process. KT explains 15%
of the variance in the first-year grades (2013), PT and
EXANI-II have no impact on first-year’s academic performance
(2013 and 2014). There was a correlation among
some subcomponents that measure a similar construct.
There was a difference in Biology results (KT) between
men and women. Students’ degree of satisfaction with
the admission process is adequate.
Discussion and conclusions: The sources of validity
evidence provide relevant information to support and
improve the admission process, more data and an interdisciplinary
team to retrieve more sources of quality
evidence are needed. It is recommended to use welldefined
frameworks in these processes and plan data
collection and retrieval using these models.
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