2022, Number 2
Knowledge about vaginal infection in pregnant women
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 254-264
PDF size: 460.18 Kb.
Introduction: Infections of the female genital tract constitute a problem in the gynecologic and obstetrics practice, and they may have consequences for the mother and her fetus.Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about vaginal infection in pregnant women.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out, at ¨Ramón López Peña¨ teaching Policlinic, in Santiago de Cuba, from September to December, 2020. The universe was formed by 15 pregnant women who accepted to participate in the research. A questionnaire was applied for the collection of the information. The studied variables were: age, scholarship and level of knowledge about vaginal infection. The statistical analysis was developed by the descriptive statistics, SPSS V22 was used.
Results: Pregnant women between 35 to 44 years old, for a 46. 7 %, and higher technician level for a 26.7 %, prevailed. 73.3 % of pregnant women knew the concept of vaginal infection and how to prevent them, a 66. 6 % knew their causes and the conduct to follow in the case of infections, a 60 % knew about the most frequent vaginal infections and their symptoms, there was a 60 % who answered incorrectly about their consequences. In general the 60 % of pregnant women had adequate knowledge about vaginal infection.
Conclusions: Pregnant women have adequate knowledge about vaginal infection, there is no knowledge about their consequences, which is a main element for their prevention.
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