2022, Number 02
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MediSan 2022; 26 (02)
Umbilical hernia in a pregnant woman
Rodríguez SS, Pavot GS, Kindelán MFM
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 372-380
PDF size: 866.87 Kb.
The case report of a 26 years pregnant woman and gestacional age of 34.4 weeks is described, who was referred from General Hospital of Rusape to Harare Central Hospital, both in Zimbabwe, due to an umbilical hernia that afflicted her since the childhood. The patient had suffered from that hernial volume in 3 previous pregnancies whose childbirths were normal. After the pertinent studies that demonstrated the diagnosis, and evaluate the case in multidisciplinary team, it was decided to practice an emergency Cesarean section. During the surgical procedure it was found that the whole uterus was inside the hernial sack covered by omentum; the new born was extracted, who possessed good vitality, Apgar index 9-10 and 2590 grams weight; later on, the redundant hernial tissue was dried up. The patient had a favorable clinical course in the immediate postoperative period and she was discharged 5 days after.
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