2022, Number 02
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MediSan 2022; 26 (02)
Stone in the Warthon duct in an adult
Bonne CRA
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 364-371
PDF size: 747.66 Kb.
The case report of a 56 years patient is described. He went to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service of Maputo Central Hospital, capital of Mozambique, due to an increase of volume under the tongue, on the right side, which caused him pain when ingesting foods. During the clinical exploration the increase of volume was corroborated in the bottom of the mouth, conformed by a yellowish area, surrounded by an erythematosus halo that hurted at palpation. A sialolithiasis of the right submandibular gland was diagnosed and a surgical enucleation with local anesthesia was indicated. The patient had a favorable clinical course and he did not present relapses.
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