2024, Number 05
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (05)
Dengue epidemiological trends in Latin America: 2019-2024
Rodríguez ASE, Méndez MS, Guerrero BS, Ayón AJ, García FMA, Santos LG
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 287-294
PDF size: 549.69 Kb.
Objective: To describe the epidemiological behavior of dengue and its serotypes in Mexico and Latin America.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive analysis was conducted using data from the Information Platform for Health of the Americas (PLISA) and national and international epidemiological bulletins from January 2019 to January 2024. Confirmed, severe and non-severe cases, cases with and without warning signs, fatal cases, simultaneous circulation, serotypes, and mortality rates were identified.
Results: A total of 13,967,156 dengue cases were registered in Latin America during the study period. Of these, 42% were laboratory-confirmed. There were 7,600,985 non-severe cases, 47,700 severe cases, and 6278 fatal cases. The countries with the highest number of severe cases were Brazil, Honduras, Colombia, and Mexico. The most frequent serotypes were 1 and 2. An increase in the simultaneous circulation of the four serotypes was observed, as well as an increase in serotype 3 in Mexico.
Conclusiones: In Latin America, the number of dengue cases increased, but not the severity, mortality or lethality. The simultaneous circulation of multiple serotypes poses a challenge for prevention and control efforts.
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