2024, Number 03
Iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome due to herbal supplements
Del Carpio OL, Salas GA, Mejía RSG, Hernández ZNV, Aguilar SA
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 238-241
PDF size: 185.83 Kb.
Background: The commercialization of herbal products made in fictitious laboratories in Mexico has generated various problems, from the increase in cases of iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome, to the report of cases in other geographical latitudes of that syndrome.Clinical cases: This paper reports a case series of Cushing’s syndrome due to consume of complements such as Artri King or Ortiga ajo rey, among others, clinically proven and by the determination of serum cortisol, serum ACTH and urinary cortisol in 24 hours.
Conclusions: The diagnosis of iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome should always be suspected in patients with chronic pain, who report having consumed “miracle” products; an exhaustive questioning directed towards these is enough to suspect the etiological association, which should be corroborated by measuring cortisol levels, ACTH and urinary cortisol to verify the exogenous nature of the glucocorticoid overdose.
Cofepris alerta sobre tres productos engaño que utilizanajo con supuestas cualidades curativas pero ponen enriesgo la salud. Alerta Sanitaria 19/2022. Comisión Federalpara la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios | 19 deagosto de 2022. https://www.gob.mx/cofepris/articulos/cofepris-alerta-sobre-tres-productos-engano-que utilizanajo-con-supuestas-cualidades-curativas-pero-ponen-enriesgo-la-salud.