2022, Number 2
Gestational health and its relationship with intrauterine growth restriction
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 258-272
PDF size: 371.81 Kb.
Introduction: the frequency of infants experiencing growth restriction during intrauterine development is high and its highest incidence is in developing countries, among which Latin America and the Caribbean reach a prevalence of 10%.Objective: to identify the relationship among anemia, blood pressure changes and dysglycemia, with fetal growth restriction.
Methods: we conducted a descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study of pregnant women recruited in two health areas from Santa Clara municipality, who ended their pregnancy between September 2013 and October 2018 and in whom the newborns had intrauterine growth restriction. The sample was classified as small and adequate, according to their trophic condition at birth. The relation of these conditions in which a link with the restriction phenomenon was suspected was studied in each group.
Results: children who had fetal growth restriction were classified, according to their trophic condition, as adequate; no significant relationships were found among anemia, gestational diabetes and arterial hypertension with the presence of intrauterine growth restriction.
Conclusions: this condition was not related to the health of the pregnant women belonging to these two health areas from Santa Clara municipality.
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