2023, Number 1
Community Integral Medicine Students' Formation during the confronting the COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in collaboration between Cuban and Venezuelan professionals involved in the direction of the training process of the Comprehensive Community Medicine career at the Hugo Rafael Chávez University of Health Sciences, with the purpose of assessing the impact of the community activity in the comprehensive training of Comprehensive Community Medicine students in the confrontation with COVID-19 in Falcón State, from February to September 2020. The universe is represented by 508 students from the Comprehensive Community Medicine career and The sample consisted of 244 students who joined community activities in the fight against COVID-19. Participatory observation and daily reports of research activity, documentary review, survey and descriptive statistical techniques were used using summary measures such as average, percentage, which allowed the search remains and information processing, the main results obtained were the transformation of the pedagogical personnel at the different levels of management and the organization of the system of influence on the students, the introduction of a new style of work in order to raise the quality of the process educational teacher from distance education, the integration of students into community activities in the contingency and its impact on the comprehensive training of future health professionals and the solution of health problems in the communities of the territory.REFERENCES
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