2023, Number 1
Prevention of professional illnesses and self-improvement professional, valuations from the studies Science, technology and society
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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The process of bring up to date of the pattern socio-economic Cuban of development socialist, generates important transformations associated to the work activity; aspect that reinforces the doctor-social significance of the prevention of professional illnesses. The present work has the objective of valuing the significance of the prevention of professional illnesses for the family doctor's self-improvement, starting from the studies science, technology and society. Among the used methods they figure the historical-logical one, the analytic-synthetic one and the systematizing; applied essentially in the valuation of the main and relating addresses located in the field of the studies science, technology and society. The revision of documents was also used to examine programmatic instruments and juridical dispositions. The results include valuations on the relating ones linked to the topic, the determination of nexuses with the socioeconomic development of the country and the establishment of theoretical-conceptual relationships from an interdisciplinary, humanist focus, I activate and transformer.REFERENCES
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