2022, Number 3
Psychosocial alterations and dimensions of quality of life in patients with Acquired Brain Injury
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 650-672
PDF size: 326.94 Kb.
The general objective of the study was aimed at establishing the indicators of psychosocial alterations and the dimensions that interfere with quality of life, according to the patient with acquired brain injury, their relatives and assistance specialists, belonging to the San Juan de Dios Popular Council. A mixed quantitative-qualitative study was carried out in the period between May 2018 and May 2020, which extends until today, based on the results that have been incorporated into medical practice based on the implementation of a research project that It was executed from the collaboration between the Center for the Development of Social and Humanistic Sciences in Health and the Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital, in Camagüey. The sample was made up of 30 patients and their relatives, belonging to the most prevalent clinics in the cases under study. For the development of the research, empirical, theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods were used, and the scale of the quality of life of the patient with brain damage (CAVIDACE), aimed at the family, was applied. As main results, it was determined that the main superior psychic functions that showed alterations were: attention and memory processes. Emotional, behavioral, functional autonomy and social integration alterations were observed in most of the patients. The dimensions of quality of life that showed more alterations were: social insertion, emotional and physical well-being, personal development and interpersonal relationships. According to the percentile of the scale, results of low quality of life were evidenced in most of the patients, after to the acquired cerebral damage.REFERENCES
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