2022, Number 2
Assessment of the comprehensive General Stomatology quality Service. ''Camilo Cienfuegos'' Polyclinic of Sancti Spiritus
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 158.99 Kb.
Background: Dental care quality has become a necessity. In Cuba, the National Program for the People´s Comprehensive Stomatology Care aims to increase and improve dental care.Objective: To assess the Comprehensive General Stomatology quality service at Camilo Cienfuegos polyclinic in Sancti Spíritus.
Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive observational research was conducted at Camilo Cienfuegos Polyclinic in Sancti Spíritus from September 2019 to January 2020. 19 stomatologists from the unit and 368 patients belonging to clinics 8 and 9 of the area were selected who met the inclusion criteria. Quality was used as a variable, and operationalized in the dimensions: structure, process and results and their measurement criteria. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods and data collection also analysis techniques were used. Satisfaction surveys were conducted on patients and professionals.
Results: Structure and process dimensions, with 20 and 10 points respectively, were evaluated as regular, the result dimension as good for an 8-point value.
Conclusion: Comprehensive General Stomatology quality service at Camilo Cienfuegos polyclinic in Sancti Spíritus was evaluated as regular.
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