2022, Number 3
Cryotherapy in the treatment of genital warts
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: The human papiloma virus is one of the main sexually transmitted diseases and it is the causative agent of anogenital warts.Objective: To determine the effectiveness of cryotherapy in patients with genital warts.
Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was carried out, in which variables age, sex, personal pathological history of genital warts, number of lesions, location, clinical effectiveness of treatment and adverse effects were considered. The statistical method of calculating percentages was applied. The universo was made up of all adult patients who visited the dermatology clinic and showed characteristic lesions compatible with genital warts in the aforementioned period. The sample was made up of 64 patients who met the established selection criteria.
Results: 62.5% of the patients were between 19 and 30 years of age and male. 93.7% had more tan 5 lesions and the most frequent location was the glans penis in men and the pubis in women, both embodied 30%. In 93.8% there was regression of the lesions after the third application. Adverse effects were minimal and transient.
Conclusions: The age group most affected by genital warts are young adults and males. Liquid nitrogen treatment of genital warts is effective with minimal adverse effects.
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