2024, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2024; 41 (1)
Esophageal perforation in a premature infant. Case report
Pacheco BCF, López CG, Rodríguez GJ, López DAV, López DPS, Reyes GU, Quero HA, Reyes HKL, Navarro JBR, Navarro HCA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 64-67
PDF size: 196.97 Kb.
Esophageal perforation is a rare but important complication
of the modern neonatal intensive care setting.
Female patient of 31 weeks gestation is presented.
Appropriate weight for gestational age. Respiratory
distress syndrome secondary to hyaline membrane,
early neonatal sepsis. At 24 hours of life she presented
respiratory deterioration, thoracoabdominal radiography
was performed showing left pneumothorax.
He required endotracheal intubation and chest tube
for the management of the pneumothorax. At 4 days
of extrauterine life in phase III of ventilation, with pleural
tube, the control thoracoabdominal radiography
shows: anomalous trajectory of the polyvinyl orogastric
tube towards the left pleural cavity, the contrasted
study and direct exploration with laryngoscopy confirms
esophageal perforation in the upper third of the
esophagus. The patient was kept fasting for 6 days,
initiating enteral trophic enteral stimulation by orogastric
tube, every 3 hours, gradually increasing until
nutritional requirements were reached, He is discharged
due to improvement at 41 years of age. Iatrogenic
causes of esophageal perforation include: difficult
tracheal intubation, Non-surgical treatment is the first
option in esophageal perforation. Pharyngoesophageal
perforation occurs after traumatic placement of
a polyvinyl feeding tube. The use of a silastic feeding
tube instead of polyvinyl probes could probably prevent
iatrogenic esophageal perforation.
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