2023, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2023; 18 (2)
The regulation of death with dignity in Mexico: a pending issue
Ordóñez-Vázquez NA, Ortiz-Millán G
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 1-23
PDF size: 224.23 Kb.
Purpose/Background: To know the opinion of the general population on endof-
life decisions in order to visualize the importance of the regulation of death
with dignity.
Methodology/Approach: An opinion survey was carried out via the internet
to 802 people with a national level representation. The margin of error was +/-
3.46% with a confidence level of 95%.
Results/Findings: 50.2% of those surveyed fully agree that terminally ill patients
should have the right to decide how and when they want to die, 52.1%
fully agree that they have the right to decide whether to accept or reject treatment.
48% fully agree that they should have the right to decide about having a
physician-assisted death, 38.8% fully agree with assisted suicide.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions: The data give an overview of the population’s
opinion that the sick should have a death with dignity, without pain
or suffering. There is a need for greater information on the subject and on the
possible regulations for a death with dignity in the country.
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