2024, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2024; 26 (3)
Neurological Sequelae Post Covid-19: Bibliographic Review
Fernández OMÁ, Sánchez MI, Chávez CA
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 171-175
PDF size: 177.08 Kb.
Around 10 to 20% of patients who had Covid-19 developed
long Covid; however, many authors have reported
a higher prevalence , especially in survivors
of severe pneumonia. Neurological symptoms are
mainly characterized by headache, delirium, vertigo,
alterations in cognition, concentration problems,
short-term memory deficit, decrease in attention,
language and praxis, among others syptoms. There
is evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus triggers inflammatory
processes that accelerate neurological
deterioration due to the accumulation of tau protein
and fibrillar B-amyloid in neurons, which could cause
the cognitive deterioration that has been reported
and that also It is present in Alzheimer’s Disease. It
is a priority that the family doctor can make a timely
diagnosis of these sequelae and initiate appropriate
management, including referral to the neurologist
of affected patients, seeking to delay the evolution of
neurological damage.
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