2024, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2024; 26 (3)
Weight Gain During Confinement Due to COVID 19 in a Family Medicine Unit in Mexico City
Hidalgo SA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 167-170
PDF size: 220.63 Kb.
Objective: To determine the weight gain during
confinement due to the COVID 19 pandemic by
applying a survey to beneficiaries.
Methods: Observational,
descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative
study. Non-probabilistic accidental sample of 400
participants. An epidemiological questionnaire was
applied in the Family Medicine Unit No. 21 of the
Mexican Institute of Social Security in Mexico City;
between the months of August and September 2022.
Results: Of the population studied, it was found that
58.7% perceived an increase in weight due to confinement
during COVID-19 pandemic. Around 58.8%
of the study population reported having been completely
isolated; 68.3% reported having eaten more
than three meals a day, 60.5% reported not having
done physical activity during confinement, the average
weight gain of the population studied was 6.8
Conclusions: There was a perception of weight
gain favored by confinement. The factors that most
influenced this increase were: the increase in food
consumption along with the lack of physical exercise.
The perception of average weight gain in both sexes
was greater than that reported in other similar international
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