2024, Number 1
Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on the Prevention of Sarcopenia in Older Adults: Systematic Review
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 12-19
PDF size: 278.62 Kb.
Introduction: Sarcopenia, characterized by muscle mass loss, is an increasing issue related to global aging. Omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties and benefits in cardiovascular and brain health, show potential in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia, promoting muscle mass increase and reducing insulin resistance. Objective: To establish the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and age-related sarcopenia, and analyze how they may influence the mitigation or treatment of this condition. Material and method: A systematic review was conducted, selecting scientific articles from databases like Scopus, focusing on studies from the past 5 years. The selection criteria included the population (older adults), intervention (omega-3 supplementation), comparison, and outcomes in muscle mass and sarcopenia. Results: Omega-3s have potential in improving muscle mass and function, though the results vary. Conclusion: It is suggested that combining omega-3 with physical exercise, particularly resistance training, could be an effective strategy against sarcopenia in older adults.REFERENCES
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