2023, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2023; 22 (4)
Teaching at the higher level from the perspective of the university teacher
Zaldívar-Acosta MS
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 25-30
PDF size: 232.48 Kb.
Introduction: This work is a reflection about teaching practice in public universities in Mexico and the responsibility and
commitment that teachers must have to train for teaching. The starting point of this essay is the theoretical support with
current concepts of the topic, as well as studies carried out in this regard.
Objective: To describe the processes for teaching
at the university, which allows the reflection of the professor in the health area, involved in this essay, as well as the awareness
of its practice in the classroom.
Conclusion: This work concludes by exposing alternatives for the trainer of health professionals
in Higher Education institutions in Mexico to take responsibility for the quality of their work, constantly evaluating themselves,
updating and strengthening teaching skills.
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