2022, Number 1
Professional training of the specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine and his competence to prevent suicide
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Intoduction: one of the postgraduate specialties that has had the most impact on the national health system is Comprehensive General Medicine based on the social approach to medicine.Objective: to determine the historical trends of the professional training process of the Comprehensive General Medicine specialist and its influence on the development of the specific competence to prevent suicidal attempt.
Methods: a systematic bibliographic review was carried out to develop a reflexive critical analysis of the content of documents, considering doctoral and master's theses, original and review articles published from 2005 to 2021 in Spanish and English. The search was carried out in the SciELO and academic Google databases from January 2021 to March 2022.
Development: despite the development achieved by the specialty, the preparation of this human capital as a true health promoter is still insufficient, because it has not been structured with such qualifications in mind and there are underlying weaknesses in its preventive action where the specialization of modes of action to prevent The suicidal attempt as damage to health is inextricably linked with the care practice of this doctor and needs to be empowered with knowledge to increase his competence and successful performance.
Conclusions: the treatment of the indicators in the stages analyzed allows revealing the main historical trends of the professional training process of the specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine, so the development of a preventive-suicidal competence emerges as a necessity in their professional improvement.
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