2022, Number 1
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EduMeCentro 2022; 14 (1)
Systemic approach to the organism: a useful tool in teaching human anatomy
Gómez EL, Franco PPM, Enríquez CJO
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Background: the study of the human body as a whole with a systemic approach constitutes an essential aspect in the teaching of Human Anatomy in medical science careers.
Objective: to express the importance of the systemic approach to the human body as a whole and its relationship with organs and systems, in the teaching of Human Anatomy, in medical science careers.
Methods: a bibliographic review of research papers, original and review articles, published in the last decade (2010-2020) in national and international journals indexed in recognized databases Scielo and Google Scholar was carried out. The main keywords used were: systemic approach, human organism, medical education.
Development: after the documentary review carried out, the importance of the systemic approach of the human body as a whole and its relationship with the organs and systems in the study of Human Anatomy was expressed, which allowed to reinforce the opinion of the authors in this regard fundamentally in in relation to the need to teach this science with this systemic approach.
Conclusions: the direction of the teaching-learning process of Human Anatomy, taking into account a system approach, guarantees that the student is formed with a conception of the human organism as a whole in close relationship with its parts.
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