2022, Number 1
Internet of things: an interesting option for the future of public health
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Introduction: the internet of things offers new opportunities for access to data, specific services in education, security and health care, among other fields.Objective: to carry out a review of the existing literature on aspects that define the internet of things in the field of public health.
Methods: a documentary research of the literature was carried out in various academic databases and search engines; (MEDLINE, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Google Books) and corporation and institutional websites (Cisco, United Nations and World Health Organization). The following descriptors were used: internet of things, connectivity, public health, mobile health, epidemiology, machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence. Documents were reviewed following the method that includes the identification of the research question (based on the objective) and the relevant studies, followed by the selection of the writings and the comparison, summary and presentation of the results.
Development: the concepts and opinions were structured in three chapters where the essential ideas related to the subject under study are presented: origin of the internet of things, the internet of things in public health and conclusions.
Conclusions: the internet of things represents an innovative possibility for the area of public health to understand and attend to the health-disease phenomenon of populations, and to provide a network of collaboration between individuals based on the creation of an architecture of participation from a smart approach.
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