2022, Number 1
Educational orientation from a creative approach: a chalenge for professors at present
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Introduction: the great shifts made by sciences at present has led to changes in society so education has to cope with current times too. The multidisciplinary study is essential to face the problem studied.Objetivo: to analize the necesity of the development of the educational orientation from a creative approach at the light of modern advances in the teaching activity.
Methods: taking into account the key words educational, teaching, and creative orientation 27 articles were selected; in SciELO and Google scholar data bases 14 articles related to the topic were selected out of them, the others were selected from doctoral theses, books and other important documents related to the study.
Development: theoretical aspects and its importance for the teaching-learning process were checked; educational orientation constitutes a process allowing professors to establish levels of help with the pupils towards human growing. Their development from a creative perspective raise their potentialities to transform in an original, flexible and independent way the educational reality to contribute to individual and social improvement.
Conclusions: taking into account the great diversity in the world and the contradictory cultural referents of modern men, it´s a great challenge for professors to develop an educational orientation with a creative approach to achieve a meaningful influence in the cooperation relations they establish with pupils to reach a successsful fulfillment of their social commitmet.
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