2022, Number 1
Training of clinical skills for the diagnosis of leprosy in medical students
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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Introduction: the process of training clinical skills to diagnose leprosy by fifth-year medical students constitutes an important element in the early diagnosis of the disease and its control.Objective: to systematize the theoretical references to support the training process of fifth year Medicine students in the diagnosis of leprosy.
Methods: for data collection, articles from the pages Scielo, Google Scholar, MEDISAN, Elsevier and doctoral theses in medical education sciences, either electronic or printed were reviewed for a total of 57; out of them, 26 were selected on the subject studied.
Development: Systematization was carried out on the concepts of training, skill and development linked to the dermatoneurological examination and the training process of fifth year Medicine students, as well as the contribution of this skill in the early diagnosis of leprosy.
Conclusions: the systematization carried out on the training of fifth-year medical students in the diagnosis of leprosy allowed establishing an approach to their theoretical references, as well as recognizing the need to develop new teaching methods to provide them with the necessary knowledge and practice to face the challenges of the demanding hygienic-epidemiological situation with actions aimed at the patient, the family and the community.
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