2022, Number 1
The internationalization of higher education and medical universities as a source of development
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Background: internationalization is a measure of the activity of higher education worldwide.Objective: to characterize the role of the internationalization of higher education in different parts of the world, including Cuba and specifying in medical education in the province of Holguín, Cuba.
Method: a systematic bibliographic review was carried out to develop a reflexive analysis on the subject. The search was carried out from March 2019 to December 2021, in different databases and search engines. National and international specialized journals were accessed. The keywords used were: internationalization, higher education, medical education, commercialization of health, cooperation, collaboration. After identifying the preselected studies, the titles and abstracts were read to check their relevance to the study.
Development: internationalization is a trend that generates exchanges of knowledge and contributes to the development of higher education. In Cuba, it is a necessary element to achieve international standards of academic excellence, quality and relevance. Holguín University of Medical Sciences has progressed in its social commitment to elevate scientific development in the field of medical education worldwide, by achieving relevant results in the characteristics that distinguish this process.
Conclusions: the internationalization of higher education has a positive impact worldwide. Cuba, despite being a developing country, has the premise of internationalization, collaboration and cooperation with the rest of the countries on the planet.
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