2022, Number 1
Professional improvement on the science and technological innovation system for health managers
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Background: the preparation of managers and officials on the science and technological innovation system is essential for decision making.Objective: to design workshops on the system of science and technological innovation in health aimed at managers and officials.
Methods: a development study was carried out at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Sagua la Grande from 2020 to 2021. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical methods were applied. The information was collected through a questionnaire with the aim of characterizing managers and officials and identifying the level of preparation on the subject. The data was processed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: it was found that the level of preparation on the science and technological innovation system of managers and officials with more work experience is adequate, while the rest, who constitute the majority, is moderately adequate. Workshops were designed to fill the gaps related to the subject of study, on the different subsystems of the System of Science and Technological Innovation.
Conclusions: the workshops designed were adequate in the current context when it is essential to prepare managers for decision-making based on the scientific results obtained and the search for solutions to problems that arise in the health branch.
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