2022, Number 1
Protocol for biosafety in isolation centers for patients positive for COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: biosafety protocols turn out to be essential to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore, a background knowledge for health system professionals.Objective: to design a biosafety protocol of knowledge for health workers that guarantees the protection of them, their patients and the environment.
Methods: a development investigation was carried out in the different isolation centers of possible and positive patients for COVID-19. Theoretical methods were used: dialectical-materialist, modeling, historical-logical and analysis-synthesis; and empirical ones: epidemiological observation and documentary review of studies on work with biological agents, including those related to COVID-19, which made it possible to establish the regularities and contradictions between the object of study and the research problem. The proposal was assessed by specialist criteria.
Results: the work carried out allowed the design of a biosafety protocol that was applied in all isolation centers, which guaranteed the preparation and bio-protection of workers, their patients and the environment, in an effort to contribute to prevention. and to prevent the spread of this disease in Villa Clara.
Conclusions: the implementation of this protocol in the isolation centers of the province allowed workers and patients to perform in biosafety conditions with minimal risk of contagion.
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