2022, Number 1
The Activity Task tool of the Moodle platform applied to course completion projects
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Background: interactive platforms favor the teaching-learning process in the distance, blended and face-to-face learning model by offering tools for the design and creation, maintenance and development of virtual classrooms.Objective: to describe the experiences of the use of the Task Activity tool of the Moodle interactive platform in the development of course completion work by university students.
Methods: the study was carried out at the Faculty of Physical Culture of the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas, Villa Clara, during the 2021-2022 academic year. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; and empirical: documentary analysis, analysis of the content of the course completion work using the Task Activity of the Moodle platform, based on elements requested in a guide; and student interview.
Results: it was evidenced that the use of the Task Activity tool facilitated the execution of the course completion work, as well as its review by the teachers. Compliance with the schedule where different aspects of student-teacher interaction were scheduled favored the achievement of positive results in gradual ascent until reaching outstanding evaluations; the students felt motivated and expressed satisfaction criteria about the methodology used.
Conclusions: the application of the Activity Task tool of the Moodle interactive platform in the development of course completion work was a positive and applicable experience in higher education centers, because it contributed to achieving significant learning in the execution of this evaluative form.
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