2022, Number 1
Diploma course on topics of comprehensive general culture for teachers of medical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Background: the contemporary university attaches great importance to culture as the basis of the new professional training profile of its graduates.Objective: to design a diploma course on topics of comprehensive general culture for teachers of medical sciences.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional investigation was carried out at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Sagua la Grande during the period 2019-2020. The information was obtained through different theoretical methods (analytical-synthetic, induction-deduction, historical-logical); and empirical ones (questionnaire for teachers and interviews with key Esta revista informants; and mathematical ones: percentage analysis. The assessment of the proposal by specialists was requested.
Results: it was found that most of the teachers are doctors; with 11 years or more of teaching experience and among them the teaching rank of instructor prevailed. According to the applied questionnaire, the majority present an insufficient level of knowledge in matters of comprehensive general culture, determined by the qualifications obtained and corroborated through the interview with key informants: directors and teaching advisors of the institution.
Conclusions: a diploma course was designed that contains five part-time postgraduate courses. It was valued by specialist criteria as pertinent, feasible and with scientific-pedagogical quality because it favors the educational process in teaching practice.
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