2022, Number 1
Learning tasks for the development of cognitive independence in times of COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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Background: during the COVID-19 pandemic, medical sciences universities need to strengthen the cognitive independence of students under the guidance of the teacher.Objective: to design learning tasks from the Medical Psychology subject to contribute to the development of cognitive independence of Medicine students in times of COVID-19.
Methods: a qualitative research was carried out at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Sagua la Grande. Villa Clara, during the 2019-2020 academic year. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive; empirical ones: documentary analysis and questionnaire to students and teachers; the comparative analysis of sources and descriptive statistics with frequency distribution.
Results: the programs and class systems do not contemplate enough activities to develop the cognitive independence of the Medicine students. The teachers considered that they were prepared, but the designed tasks did not help to solve these deficiencies, while the students reported a preference for the face-to-face activity and not for independent work.
Conclusions: learning tasks were designed for students, which favored the development of their cognitive independence. They were valued by specialists as pertinent, feasible and with the required quality.
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