2022, Number 1
Human embryo library: methodological guidelines for its use in the teaching-learning process, in electronic format
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 165.71 Kb.
Background: the histo-embryological series collected in the embryo libraries become an important visual aid in the teaching-learning process of Embryology due to the high didactic potential of their images. Its teaching use requires methodological orientations to adapt rationally and efficiently to the different contexts, levels and organizational forms.Objective: to develop methodological guidelines for the educational use of a human embryo library.
Methods: the systematization of theoretical and practical experiences was used. Samples, contexts, instruments, techniques, categories, subcategories, regularities, contributions and lessons learned were defined according to stages. Qualitative methods and techniques were used: semi-structured interview, observation, focal groups, systematization record, and comparison of sources technique of documentary and methodological sources, evaluation by specialists; in addition to the mathematical-statistical method.
Results: the relevance of the human embryo library as a teaching aid was confirmed, for which methodological guidelines are required; these were elaborated with a general and specific focus for Embryology contents in the study plan of the degree and program of the specialty. They are accompanied by 114 original images through which the authors suggest how to work didactically with this aid.
Conclusions: the theoretical and practical systematization of the accumulated experience in the educational use of the human embryo library allowed the elaboration of an electronic manual where the methodological work is oriented in the different contexts, levels and educational organizational forms of Embryology as a subject of study. According to specialists, it meets the rigorous criteria: credibility, transfer, dependency and confirmability.
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