2022, Number 1
Characterization of professional pedagogical motivation in adolescent undergraduate students
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Background: pedagogical motivational training is essential at all educational levels and particularly in medical science careers.Objective: to characterize the pedagogical professional motivation in Nursing students at the upper secondary level in the Faculty of Health Technology - Nursing at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: a qualitative study with a descriptive transectional design was carried out. Theoretical and empirical methods were used for the foundation of the research, and empirical ones: questionnaire to the students on the hierarchy of pedagogical motives and the open interview on the levels of cognitive interests of pedagogical professional motivation. The statistical package SPSS, version 21.0 and qualitative analysis were used.
Results: the levels of professional pedagogical motivation of the students were determined; a deficient level of cognitive interest was verified with a predominance of extrinsic motives in correspondence with the motivational hierarchy structure of the students, among the main causes they mentioned the lack of technological resources.
Conclusions: the professional pedagogical motivation in the students who made up the study was characterized and the need to carry out educational actions in this sense was corroborated.
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