2022, Number 1
Educational actions for medical science students linked to screening during COVID 19
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Background: medical science students have the responsibility to carry out the screening to face COVID-19. This activity, conceived as part of the strategy to fight this disease, requires preparation and motivation.Objective: to develop educational actions to improve the screaning carried out by students of Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences during COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out in four clinics belonging to the "Chiqui Gómez-Lubián" and "Santa Clara" university polyclinics. As empirical methods, the HABICOM questionnaire, interview and observation were used. The research was structured in two stages: the first dedicated to the diagnosis of needs and the second; to the design and evaluation of the proposed educational actions.
Results: it was found that some students are unmotivated or have an extrinsic motivation towards screening. They lack information on Covid-19, health promotion and disease prevention and lack communication skills to carry out such activity, that´s why educational actions were developed, which were assessed by specialist criteria.
Conclusions: the proposed educational actions foresee an impact on the quality of the screaning by dealing with the level of knowledge of the students about Covid-19 pandemic and the SARS-CoV2 virus, the motivation towards the task and the communicative skills to interact daily with the community. They were valued by the specialists as effective, pertinent and feasible to carry out.
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