2022, Number 1
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EduMeCentro 2022; 14 (1)
Behavior of psychomotor indicators in preschool children linked to primary health care
Blanco CI, Palacio GDM, González LRL, Pérez FOL, Ruano AAO, Santana GR
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 334.60 Kb.
Background: attention to psychomotor development in children in a multidisciplinary manner from primary health care is an aspect to consider in order to guarantee a more autonomous and independent life.
Objective: to describe the behavior of psychomotor indicators in children from the health area corresponding to the "Roberto Fleites" University Polyclinic in Santa Clara, as an indication of motor competence.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out during the 2019-2020 academic year at the Faculty of Physical Culture of Las Villas "Marta Abreu" Central University. Theoretical and empirical methods were used for the foundation of the investigation; documentary analysis, observation and interview, as well sources checking and empirical frequency distribution.
Results: in the general behavior of the evaluation of the studied indicators, it turned out that the infants of the medical office 19-13 presented better results, being evaluated as good more than 50% of the indicators; and the rest, average; while in the boys and girls of the doctor's office 19-13, the ranks of average and bad predominated of 60% and 20% respectively.
Conclusions: the psychomotor indicators in infants of the aforementioned health area were described, highlighting their relationship with motor skills. Emphasis is placed on the importance of research from primary care in terms of health promotion and education from an early age through the programs established for this purpose by the Cuban health system.
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