2022, Number 1
Educational intervention program for primary caregivers of infants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by persistent patterns of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. Relationships between infants and their primary caregivers are often marked by conflict, which affects the adaptation, coping and quality of life of their caregivers.Objective: to evaluate the results of the implementation of an educational intervention program on adaptation, coping, quality of life and satisfaction of primary caregivers of infants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Methods: a mixed study of concomitant triangulation type, pre-experimental (quantitative) and phenomenological (qualitative), was carried out at the "Chiqui Gómez-Lubián" University Polyclinic in Santa Clara, from 2016 to 2020. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, systematization, inductive-deductive, abstraction and systemic-structural. From the empirical level: self-administered scales and open interview.
Results: the coping and adaptation capacity of primary caregivers increased, with a predominance of average capacity before the intervention and high capacity after the intervention. Primary caregivers increased their quality of life index from average to high prevalence, which produced significant changes with asymptotic values less than 0.5.
Conclusions: the results of the implementation of the educational intervention program for primary caregivers of infants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were evaluated as favorable, since it allowed the improvement of their adaptation, coping, quality of life and satisfaction.
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