2022, Number 1
Theoretical-practical course for the methodological preparation of university professors on distance learning
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Background: the methodological preparation of teachers from postgraduate training to use distance education in the conditions of the COVID 19 pandemic is a necessity. Objective: to design a methodological preparation course to guide teachers in the adaptation of programs and tasks, to train them in the conception of the stages, the performance of basic actions and the knowledge they require about distance learning. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas, from January to April 2021. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive; empirical ones: document analysis, scientific observation, survey, information contrasting, specialist criteria for the evaluation of the designed course and the empirical distribution of frequencies. Results: the methodological preparation needs to assume the distance-learning modality were verified, that´s whya course was designed that served as a model, which contains the analysis of the principles, the main stages and actions to be considered in its elaboration. It also shows the tools that the Moodle platform offers for its design; so that teachers had a general didactic orientation to implement in their disciplines. Conclusions: the course was valued by the specialists as adequate to be applied, due to its relevance, feasibility, scientificity and its methodological structure.REFERENCES
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