2024, Number 1
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2024; 44 (1)
Mycobacterial wall molecules in the tuberculosis pathogenesis inmunorregulation
Galindo DCE, Pérez AÁJ, Hernández SY, Hernández SN, Balderas GFL
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 29-35
PDF size: 290.84 Kb.
The complex structure of the cell wall of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is distributed in four layers, consisting mainly
of peptidoglycan, arabinogalactan, mycolic acids and trehalose-6, 6’-dimycolate (cord factor). In the cell membrane
of these bacteria, lipoarabinomannan (LAM) molecules arise, which upon reaching the surface come into close
contact with the cord factor (FC). When these molecules (FC and LAM) bind to their specific receptors, they induce a
series of events that prevent the early phagosome, which engulfs the phagocytosed mycobacteria, from passing
to its late stage where the acidic pH (5.5-6.0) restricts the growth and survival of mycobacteria. In the present work,
the role of two components of the wall of
M. tuberculosis in the genesis of the disease is exposed in a particular
way, and the immunological pathways that they block within the alveolar macrophages to avoid the formation of the
phagolysosome are described, thus which allows the state of latency of these bacteria within the human.
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