2022, Number 2
Attitudes toward negative emotions in parents of adolescents with suicidal intent
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 292-300
PDF size: 449.93 Kb.
Introduction: Suicide attempts have many meanings and whatever their degree of lethality, special attention should be paid to them.Objective: to characterize the attitude towards negative emotions in parents of adolescents with suicide attempt in the period from January 2018 to December 2019 at the “XX Aniversario” Polyclinic.
Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study. Population: 43 families and sample: 15 parents of adolescents with suicide attempt. Several variables were studied: level of education, history of suicide attempt and emotions, etc. Empirical methods were used: participatory observation, documentary analysis, parent questionnaire, in-depth interviews and diagnostic family interviews, and methodological triangulation: indirect and direct methods and the Fredrickson emotions scale.
Results: there was a predominance of completed high school education, history of suicide attempt, negative emotions (worry, anger and fear), frequency almost always and with much or enough intensity motivated by: difficulties related to children, family and partner, and the use of inappropriate attitudes: desire to die and lack of control.
Conclusions: health care workers should take action to turn the situation around or mitigate the risk factors.
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