2022, Number 284
PhD. Félix Alberto Companioni Landín talks about the Education at Work in Dentistry studies
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 326.19 Kb.
Introduction: Education at Work, guiding principle of Medical Education in Cuba, has a wide literature referred to the training of physicians. However, there are few documents on the subject in the training of stomatologists; this explains the relevance of conducting an interview with professor and researcher Dr. Felix Alberto Companioni Landin, a personality within Cuban Stomatology, with an outstanding scientific activity in the specialty of Human Anatomy and in the History of Stomatology in Cuba. Objective: to review this interview, conducted by the authors in June 2018. Method: previous elaboration of the guide, its presentation to the interviewee and its development as a recorded conversation, with incidental participation of their students, to later order and edit the answers. Development: with the intention that his words could be disseminated among the students of the career of Stomatology, due to the importance of the experience of one who has the privilege of having personally known Dr. Cs. Fidel Enrique Ilizástigui Dupuy, precursor of the principle of Education at Work, whom he accompanied in research and in the conformation of the study plan C, as well as in the introduction of this conception and its significance in this career in Cuba. Conclusions: the authors highly value this result and receive with interest the criteria of the interviewed professor as of transcendence in the future study plans of the career.REFERENCES
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