2022, Number 284
Effectiveness of total intravenous anesthesia in laparoscopic gallbladder surgery
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-6
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Introduction: laparoscopic cholecystectomy is subject to hemodynamic variations due to pneumoperitoneum. This makes it necessary to use an anesthetic technique that improves intraoperative conditions and provides a quick and comfortable recovery. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of total intravenous anesthesia in laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Method: an observational, analytical and prospective longitudinal study was carried out. The population consisted of the 300 patients who met the selection criteria; it was divided into two groups (A and B). A descriptive analysis of the data was performed. The study variables were: age, risk classification of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (I and II), sex, clinical variables evaluated during surgery, clinical variables evaluated in the recovery period, O2 saturation and EtCO2. The χ2 test was used. Results: during surgery, patients in group B showed arterial hypertension (n = 154; 77%) and tachycardia (n = 140; 70%) more frequently. During the recovery period, patients with alterations with arterial hypertension predominated, both in group A (n = 19; 19%) and in group B (n = 112; 56%). There were statistically significant differences in O2 saturation (p = 0.040) and EtCO2 (p = 0.043) values. Conclusions: total intravenous anesthesia is effective and very useful in this surgery. It provides better intraoperative hemodynamic stability and a calmer awakening than general endotracheal anesthesia.REFERENCES
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