2024, Number 1
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2024; 22 (1)
Mycoses in diabetic patients. Epidemiological data during the period 2012-2022 at the mycology section at Dr. Manuel Gea González General Hospital
Cortés-López PN, Vega-Sánchez D, Juárez-Durán ER, Arenas R
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 7-12
PDF size: 352.60 Kb.
Background: patients with diabetes are more susceptible to the
development of mycoses due to alterations in cellular immunity.
Objective: to analyze mycoses associated with diabetes mellitus
at the Mycology Section of the Dr. Manuel Gea González General
Hospital from 2012 to 2022.
Methodology: retrospective and observational study. 810 subjects
with diabetes and diagnosis of a mycoses, confirmed by a
mycological test were included.
Resultados: dermatophytoses mainly onychomycosis and tinea pedis
were the most frequent.
Trichophyton rubrum and
spp. were the main etiological agents. In subcutaneous mycoses
there were three cases of chromoblastomycosis and one case of
sporotrichosis. Also 18 cases of mucormycosis were found and,
the most isolated agent was
Rhizopus spp.
Comm ent: the high frequency of mycoses found in this report,
highlights the importance of their clinical identification, and the
need of mycological tests to confirm the diagnosis.
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