2022, Number 1
Perception of risk in the face of climate change in medical students of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 437.63 Kb.
Introduction: the study of the incidence of climate change on human health makes it possible to design and integrate protection and prevention measures.Objective: to characterize the risk perception of medical students at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana on the effects of climate change on human health.
Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study between January and April 2021. The sample consisted of 166 medical students from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. The information was obtained through a Google form.
Results: 87,95 % of the students evaluated climate change as a harmful phenomenon; 77,72 % considered it an influential factor in the mortality figures. More than 80 % identified vulnerability in their communities and personal health. 96,98 % recognized the role of climate change in the genesis of diseases. 30,2 % related climate change to respiratory diseases and 13,25 % to infectious diseases. 77,71 % of those surveyed considered climate change as a phenomenon related to outbreaks of cholera and malaria, and 50 % with yellow fever and dengue.
Conclusions: there was a perception by students of medical sciences in Havana about climate change and its relationship to human health. Students identify the effect of climate change on the genesis of infectious diseases such as cholera and malaria, but to a lesser extent with respiratory diseases.
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