2022, Number 1
Loving developing bond in young couples of Polyclinic Dr. Mario Escalona Reguera in Alamar neighborhood
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 36-59
PDF size: 345.63 Kb.
Introduction. lt was carried out a descriptive study, not experimental, traverse.Objective. The same one had as objective: To characterize the loving developing bond´s manifestations in couples to belong to "Dr. Mario Escalona Reguera" Polyclinic, during September 2019 to March 2020.
Methodology. The clinical method it´s used. The sample conformed by 15 couples. All of them between 18 and 35 years old and with conflicts in their dynamics. For the collection of the information, it were used the Interview in depth, the Test "Personal Valuation of the Intimacy in the Relationships (PAIR) ", the Test of the Communication, the technique "Los Debería" and the observation. The data it´s processed by each instrument and in the package of SPSS version 22.
Results. As results of the study, it was identify at 40% couples experienced a half intimacy in their loving, because they don’t have a own housing. Being this the only present conflict in the same ones. The other 60% couples, they presented difficulties in the communication process. It were arrived to important conclusions, like it was to characterized the manifestations of the bond loving developer.
Conclusions. The 40% couples had a better operation that the other ones. It was identified that the biggest problems were in the communication. This rebounded in the other indicators of a bond loving developer. The 40% couples that worked better, were 2 years of relationship old, being demonstrated that the time, is a factor to consolidate the couple like a growth´s space.
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