2024, Number 25
Designing an educommunicative strategy in health for stress management in university students
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Introduction. University students have emerged as one of the populations most vulnerable to social change. The transition from adolescence and young adulthood to university life is determined by a factor of stressors such as demands from educational activities, expectations of good grades, limited time to meet goals, and low interaction with social groups. Objective. To design an educommunicative strategy in health for stress prevention in university students. Methodology. Qualitative, descriptive, cross-cutting study seeking to design a “Podcasts” educommunicative strategy using the design thinking method, which consists of five stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and validate. The studied population was made up of 97 university students enrolled in the nursing program at a private university in Cali, Colombia. Results. The three problems identified—lack of methods to control stress, inadequate division of time between work and hobbies, and lack of strategies to prevent fatigue—converge on the need to address the “Podcasts” strategy to promote self-control of stress and improve the quality of life in university students as an innovative solution to the identified issue. Conclusion. Podcasts serve as an effective tool for influencing students’ learning and motivation. The “Podcast” educommunicative strategy designed and put forward is addressed to a young audience; it is based on digital media and deals with topics of interest in a manner that is preventative and responsible in terms of self-care in mental health.REFERENCES
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