2021, Number 6
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Rev Méd Electrón 2021; 43 (6)
Notes for a history of radiology in Matanzas (I): precursors and supplementary notes
Ferreira-Moreno VG, García-Dihigo J, Martí-Coruña MC
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1759-1769
PDF size: 806.64 Kb.
Radiology is one of the most developed specialties in the medical sciences. The objectives of this work were to rescue and share elements of the history of radiology in the province of Matanzas. Methods such as analytic-synthetic and deductive-inductive were used, as were chronological and geographical sub-methods. Nine supplementary notes and eleven cards were presented with a synthetic characterization of precursor figures and institutions. In 1907 the first X-ray equipment had to be installed in Matanzas, but the initiative did not bear fruit. Doctors Juan Francisco Tamargo, Enrique Sáez and Federico Escoto were the first in the territory to use such rays for medical purposes in the second decade of the twentieth century; but who established the time limit between how radiology was done and how it should be done, was Dr. Mario E. Dihigo Llanos, at the beginning of the following decade.
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