2021, Number 6
Plantar hyperkeratosis
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1728-1737
PDF size: 1312.08 Kb.
Hyperkeratosis is a disorder characterized by thickening of the outer layer of the skin, which is composed of keratin, a strong protective protein. It can be caused by friction, leading to callosities, chronic inflammation, eczema or genetic disorders such as X chromosome-linked ichthyosis. We presented the case of a patient, aged 47 years, who attended the Orthopedic Service for scaly lesion at the level of both plantar regions with difficulties to walk. Surgical treatment was used in this patient to obtain an exeretic biopsy. The evolution was favorable in both the mediate and immediate postoperative period, and the patient quickly returned to his normal life. This case identified the clinical characteristics of plantar hyperkeratosis and the use of exeretic biopsy as a gold standard for positive diagnosis in the peripheral tumors. An adequate diagnosis by the initial physician, the interrelation of the orthopedic service with the consultation of peripheral tumors, and the chosen surgical treatment are determining factors in the favorable evolution of patients with this diagnosis.REFERENCES
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