2021, Number 6
Characteristics of mortality due to malignant tumors in the province of Matanzas. 1990-2019
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1559-1568
PDF size: 797.96 Kb.
Introduction: Steady increase in time characterized the mortality by malignant tumors in the world as in Cuba. It was observed similar trend in the province of Matanzas in the last 30 years, almost in all body sites, showing higher or less intensity.Objective: To describe some characteristics of mortality by malignant tumors in the province of Matanzas.
Materials and methods: It is a descriptive observational and retrospective study of the mortality by malignant tumors for 30 years: 1990-2019. Crude and adjusted mortality rates were estimated, globally, by periods and sex. Percentages were estimated and statistical significance was determined through X2 test and p value < 0,05.
Results: Statistical significant differences were detected among sexes in all periods. Crude and specific mortality rates showed an increasing steady trend. Every 0.3 days (around 8 hours) one decease took place due to malignant tumors, with differences among sites of the disease.
Conclusions: The increasing steady trend of the crude & adjusted mortality rates by age could be, partly, results of the population ageing. Male sex appeared to be the most exposed. Mortality frequency by malignant tumors was different according to sites of the tumor.
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