2021, Number 5
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Rev Méd Electrón 2021; 43 (5)
Emerging and re-emerging diseases: a look from the work of Dr. Juan GuiterasGener
Sosa-Díaz RY, Afonso-de León JA, Pestana-Llerena Y
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1469-1478
PDF size: 503.79 Kb.
The main aspects of Juan Guiteras Gener’s work in relation to Cuban health care and to the scientific advances of his times are described. The hygienic-epidemiological situation of those times and the main control activities carried out under his direction are presented. The historical-logical method was followed, based on documental review technique. Information and statistics of the main epidemics that occurred in Cuba in the period 1900-1925: smallpox, malaria, yellow fever, poliomyelitis, bubonic plague, 1918-1919 influenza, and tuberculosis were reviewed in documents of the Archivo Histórico Provincial José Jacinto Milanés[Provincial Historic Archive Jose Jacinto Milanes] and in scientific articles of the period. Those diseases were characterized by a high morbidity and mortality. The institutional answer toward epidemics was successful and timely, based on the resources and scientific advances then had: it allowed to eradicate yellow fever (1908), bubonic plague (1915), smallpox (1923) and decrease the morbidity and mortality of influenza, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis and malaria. Doctor Guiteras made a decisive contribution in the control of epidemics and health in the Island, due to his high responsibilities in the field.
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