2021, Number 5
Triple tendinoustransference in high radial paralysis. Apropos of a case
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1445-1455
PDF size: 912.27 Kb.
The radial nerve paralysis produced by lesions at the level of the arm is considered a high paralysis, and is characterized by presenting the wrist and fingers flexed and the thumb in adduction with impossibility of extending them (wrist and fingers). All consulted authors agree that, for wrist extension, the elective muscle to transfer is the round pronator for the second radial. However, there are different criteria on the use of the palmar major or anterior ulnar for the common finger extender, and the palmar minor for the long thumb extender. We presented the case of a 31-year-old patient, with a history of traffic accident and diagnosis of 18-month high radial paralysis, in which surgical treatment using the anterior ulnar muscle after a successful rehabilitation was decided, obtaining excellent results.REFERENCES
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